The Art Of The Lure
So what is a lure? By definition a lure is to tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward. So what is the reward we are offering and how does a lure pertain to rp? The reward we offer is good rp where both characters involved have their need/ desires/ whatever it is you seek fulfilled. A lure in rp is a post we put out. Usually in a group chat that is meant to draw in another rper. A lure is not meant to tell your entire story (unless it's your introduction to the sim). It is meant to tell where you are, what your doing, why your doing it and it's meant to give an "in" to a partner to come find you. So you want a few hints and tricks to posting a good lure? Be descriptive. (remember this is your first impression on other rpers and the more information you give them the more they have to work with) Never ever ever post the same lure twice. Even if it's differ...