
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Art Of The Lure

So what is a lure? By definition a lure is to tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward. So what is the reward we are offering and how does a lure pertain to rp? The reward we offer is good rp where both characters involved have their need/ desires/ whatever it is you seek fulfilled.  A lure in rp is a post we put out. Usually in a group chat that is meant to draw in another rper.  A lure is not meant to tell your entire story (unless it's your introduction to the sim). It is meant to tell where you are, what your doing, why your doing it and it's meant to give an "in" to a partner to come find you. So you want a few hints and tricks to posting a good lure? Be descriptive. (remember this is your first impression on other rpers and the more information you give them the more they have to work with) Never ever ever post the same lure twice. Even if it's differ...

Character Spotlight: Pet

Display Name: Pet Legacy Name: partyfavorpet Characters Role in Virgin Falls (official or self proclaimed):  Still finding it more or less.  She is a writer of fiction stories which sell pretty well, and she is a seamstress. Characters Back Story:  Amy came from nothing.  Her family was dirt poor and both of her parents were substance abusers.  This left her with little desire to do drugs or drink to excess herself since she did not want to become them.  She left home at the age of sixteen, and she is pretty sure they never noticed since no one seemed to look for her.  She found work, finished high school, and put herself through a couple of semesters of college.  Her life got derailed, as often happens, by a bad relationship. In getting away from that bad relationship she found herself in Virgin Falls, and she has encountered another man.  Question is, will he be good for her or lead her further down the road to ruin?  Only ...

How To Catch A Pred

(model credit Sam & Onyx) So as a female on a dark urban rp sim I can tell you first hand that sometimes the hardest thing to find is the thing you crave the most. A good Pred to rp with. So this article is about things we can do to attract a pred and things not to do to make a pred lose interest.  Top 5 Ways To Attract A Pred: Put yourself out there! It may seem strange our even contradictory to the submissive nature but if you don't put yourself out there no one will know you looking. So how can we go about putting ourselves out there? Post a lure in IC chat. It may seem like desperation but the reality is you want to draw attention to yourself. A well written lure should include where on sim you are... what your doing... and maybe even whats on your mind or your mood. It's the details that can attract a man. So make sure to give them an opening for example when you go to take a shower you turn your music up and forget to lock the door. Or your walkin...

Welcome to Virgin Falls

Welcome to Virgin Falls. A City That Never Sleeps. Population: Unknown Crime Rate: ???  (Well let's be serious most of the crimes go unreported, and even when reported the cops are not afraid to take what they want in flesh.) If you have spent much time in Virgin Falls there are a few things you probably already know. The sun never seems to rise in this dreary city, and every man crossing the street has a devious thought planted in the forefront of his brain... and pants. This is a place of opportunity. Plenty of job openings at the police station, hospital, or even the library. Want a job a little more on the naughty side maybe check out the baker who likes to make magical treats or hit the porn studio where they are always looking for actors. Unsure what to do in your down time. I recommend taking a walk and seeing just how long it takes for you to end up kidnapped and raped. Like I said a world of opportunities are open for you in this sleepy little town. So sto...