How To Catch A Pred

(model credit Sam & Onyx)

So as a female on a dark urban rp sim I can tell you first hand that sometimes the hardest thing to find is the thing you crave the most. A good Pred to rp with. So this article is about things we can do to attract a pred and things not to do to make a pred lose interest. 

Top 5 Ways To Attract A Pred:

  • Put yourself out there! It may seem strange our even contradictory to the submissive nature but if you don't put yourself out there no one will know you looking. So how can we go about putting ourselves out there? Post a lure in IC chat. It may seem like desperation but the reality is you want to draw attention to yourself. A well written lure should include where on sim you are... what your doing... and maybe even whats on your mind or your mood. It's the details that can attract a man. So make sure to give them an opening for example when you go to take a shower you turn your music up and forget to lock the door. Or your walking around the park all on your lonesome. Other things you can try is make yourself available by walking around sim. Explore places maybe you shouldn't be, and remember to have fun. If your having fun then your rp partner is more likely to have fun as well.
  • Let's be serious we are all human and looks are important. Having a well put together mesh avi is likely to help you find good rp. It's like food we eat with our eyes before indulging. This means avoid common fashion no no's such as flexi hair, mesh vaginas that don't fit well, and applier and flexi clothing. Things like that are often things that will turn a good pred away.
  • Clearly stated limits in profile. I can not stress this enough. There is nothing worse then getting into a scene and then finding out you've hit a limit someone didn't have listed and it kills the rp. This is a dark urban sim. Things like kidnapping and rape happen here everyday. If things like this bother you then places like Virgin Falls may not be right for you.
  • Detailed clear rp. The more detailed and clear the rp. The more likely a Pred is to take a chance on you. 
  • Take risks. See someone on the streets? Say hi. Strike up an rp. Start a conversation. Show the pred that you are not afraid to take initiative. Confidence is key.

Top 5 Ways We Turn Off Preds:

  • AFKing... alot. Ok so we all know everyone has a rl and sometimes that rl gets in the way. So if you notice that you are having issues and having to afk alot communicate that to your partner. Maybe they will understand... maybe you can reschedule. Just don't forget that when your in a scene and you afk a lot you are taking up their time as well. So be kind and be respectful.
  • Snobbishness... snootiness... or just complaining, Bad attitude will turn a pred away quicker then anything. Remember our OOC opinions of someone can affect what we are willing to do with them IC. So stay positive and keep trying.
  • Submitting early in a scene. Sounds like it would be a positive right? Well as it turn's out it annoys most Preds. These specific type Doms enjoy the fight. They want to chase you. They want to capture you and claim you and take what they want. Taking that away from them will make them feel like the capture was a waste of time. Let them have their fun. Fight them make them earn the capture. You'll enjoy it more when your partner is fulfilled and giving you what you want *winks*
  • Taking control of a scene. As a sub and a victim we want to contribute to a scene without trying to control it. Remember rp is a group project if you want to be a control freak go write a book.
  • Talking OOC in your Preds box during a scene. There is nothing more distracting and annoying then getting stuck in IM's and its worse when your partner is the one doing it. It makes the pred feel detached from a scene. It makes it hard to focus. Don't be that girl. There are times for sure to jump in the preds box to let them know you need to afk a moment or to discuss limits. Don't make a habit of staying there during a scene though.

My last piece of advice on this subject. Don't get discouraged. Personally it took me posting three different lures over three days to get a bite. Once I got a bite though it was well worth it. So stay positive and don't give up.

If you feel I have missed something or you do not agree with this list or if you just have any comments feel free to share in the comments section. 


  1. I haven't read the article yet, but would like to comment on the image used at the start of it. By my understanding of the rules of the sim, the female depicted would be ejected and probably banned or AR'd for appearing to act underage. Reasons: pigtails, young appearance, holding a teddy bear, attire in combination with facial features makes her look under 18 at first glance. Might be good to find a different image to replace this with.

    1. you are probably right Marble. It was an older picture I had so I used it as filler. I will be replacing it with pictures of people on sim before the night is over. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I received this offline from someone who wished to leave a comment and couldn't So I wanted to share it with everyone. "I'm a long-time predator in SL. First, thanks for writing this article. Second, I think of RP as a sort of collaborative porn, so contrary to the author's experience, I'm quite happy to "chat" OOC in IM while our avatars are (for example) having a chase scene. I suspect she's generally right, though.

    - Rendell Carter "


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