RP Basics by Pip

If this sounds like gobbledygook to you here is some information you might find useful and might help you to enjoy much better roleplay. 

** IC / OOC / Emoting **

"IC / OOC" simply means "In Character / Out of Character" 

When someone is "In Character" they are playing a role / story telling their character's reactions and responses.  In Character posts are written as "Emotes" where you might describe your characters actions and responses. 

Emotes are written by adding "/me" at the beginning of your line of text although RP HUDs can be used to emote also. You may wish to use a HUD if you wish to play a character who has a different name to your usual Avatar name. 

A good emote will be thought out and consist of several lines of text. It should include your actions, gestures, some visual description of how your character is behaving or looking in this moment as well as verbal responses highlighted by speech marks. 

/me shrugged her shoulders as she heard Joe's comment. She would hesitate some time before she gave her reply "I don't know." She says, "He only told told me to come to the bar". 

In Character RP should be kept in local chat where practical. 

Out of Character comments should be marked by double brackets (( text )) and kept to a minimum, mainly used to let someone know you need a short break  such as (( BRB ))  - be right back. 
Any other Out of Character conversations should be done in IM - instant message. 

Remember to take turns and be patient, not everyone is a speed typist and many work hard on their posts,  it can take up to 10 minutes or more for some longer para rpers to post. Don't jump ahead as this will cause your actions and posts to lose syncronisation.  Of course this can be tricky in larger groups.

* Crimes against Roleplay - The Don'ts of RP *

** Metagaming - knowing information your character can not know yet** 

During RP your character can only know information given to you by another character. Out of Character you may be able to see information that your character is not privy to, the other person's name perhaps, profile information and backstory  or perhaps from an out of character conversation  ...  but In Character you can only describe what you can see or what has been told to you by either the character you are speaking to or by a 3rd party character.   

** Powergaming - Forcing your actions and dictating the reactions of others**

You cannot assume your character's action is successful or roleplay a scene without allowing the other character to respond, for example "/me hits Joe over the head with a plank of wood, knocking him out cold" 
The best way to avoid this is to describe an "attempt" at your action or a proposal. You can even detail your character's intended outcome..  "/me would attempt to hit Joe over the head with a plank of wood, hoping to knock him out."  This will allow the other player to potentially emote a reasonable reaction or defense against your character's actions. 

** Godmodding - having unrealistic / god like abilities or resistance to harm ** 

Be realistic and play fair. Unless it is recognized or understood that your character is impervious to harm you cannot realistically dodge every bullet or remain standing after a heavy hit to the head. You also cannot have weapons on you that are not already obvious or stated OOC.  Most characters have some form of weakness so be prepared to take the next punch or accept the consequences of a loss when faced with a stronger opponent. Besides it might be more fun to lose ! 

Remember these rules, have patience and pay attention to the other roleplayers you encounter and you will be rewarded with some amazing storylines!

*If you are interested in writing an article for the Virgin Falls Chronicles please message Kiera ( IllusionEternal) *


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