Scavenger Hunt

So since this is our 10th blog at Virgin Falls we are going to have a fun competition. 
The rules are simple.

  • I will post 5 pictures of a random places on sim.
  • You must take a picture or gyazo of yourself in that place showing the item(s) in the picture.
  • We will have three winners
  • Each person is only allowed one win. If you are caught alting you will be disqualified from all future contests.
  • Be fair
  • Have Fun 
  • You have until noon slt tomorrow 9/11/19
Winners will receive a 500L gift card for S&M

Note card must be titled "Virgin Falls Scavenger Hut 9/10 (your resident name)
Note card must contain 5 links or 5 pictures
your resident name
your display name
and your calling calling card
Send your note card to Kiera ( IllusionEternal )

Lets begin

Can you find all 5?


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